Welcome to ‘Conversations on Wealth’ — a podcast series that explores financial complexities and modern strategies for the discerning investor. Brought to you by ROPAN Financial Services founders and advisors Jason Panozzo-Tile and Rodney Gilham, who share their cumulative years of experience helping people of all ages as they seek financial independence.
In our first podcast for 2023, we explore the patterns and trends that Jason and Rodney are seeing in the financial markets so far this year. Off the back of our previous podcast featuring local real estate agent Simon Burns, we start by exploring property investment markets, interest rates, and the current state of inflation in general. With commodities like lettuce, potatoes, and even Italian prosciutto flying through the roof with pricing on a seemingly perpetual rollercoaster ride, day to day living expenses are feeling the squeeze. What do these spikes in pricing mean for people’s discretionary spend? Is there a surplus of cash, or a reallocation of existing assets? We explore the increase of people’s entrepreneurial pursuits, side hustles, and evaluation of their day to day family budgeting. As the RBA continues to increase rates to put downward pressure on inflation, Jason reminds us that despite this doom and gloom, these things always go in cycles and that the astute investors typically have a plan with a long term view and adjust accordingly… and by long term plan, we mean far across the horizon, including considering succession plans and effects for the family. Ultimately it’s a balance of risk—and advice is worth gathering from people who have your best interests at heart.
The land of financial advice, with lots of shamans and opinions can be hard to navigate. For some trustworthy, open, experience dialogue and debate, tune into future episodes of ‘Conversations on Wealth’ with host John, and advisors Rodney and Jason to educate yourself and make some informed decisions for your and your families financial wellbeing. Don’t forget also, if you’d like to discuss any of these topics further, feel free to contact Rodney or Jason direct through their website, ropan.com.au
Disclaimer: Discussions within this podcast are of a general nature and do not constitute personal financial and investment advice. It is of critical importance to seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions appropriate to your personal financial needs, situation and objectives.