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Holidaying off the tourist trail

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Travel is booming – and creating some headaches It’s no secret that we Aussies love to travel outside our own country. Last year nearly 10 million of us headed overseas, marking a 12 per cent increase from the previous year, […]

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Insuring against loss of income

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With income protection insurance, you can be paid some 70 per cent of your income for a specified period to help when you cannot work.i The most common claims are for illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, anxiety and depression.ii Payments […]

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How do retirement income options compare?

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You also have a host of choices to make when it comes to funding your new life away from paid work. Here are four different options to consider.i Account-Based Pension An account-based pension (ABP) using your superannuation is one of […]

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The worry about not getting the balance right and making unnecessary sacrifices now – or not having enough money for the things you want to do in the future is a common and valid concern we hear when we talk […]

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Investment Property: Getting it right

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The latest data demonstrates property’s popularity. One-in-five households (21%) owns a home in addition to their usual residence.i Maximising taxation benefits is one key element but the ATO recently found 9 out of 10 returns were incorrect, so it’s essential […]

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Topping up super One important item for the To Do list is to top up your super with either concessional (pre-tax) or non-concessional (post-tax) contributions. For example, you could make a voluntary concessional contribution up to the limit allowed and […]

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2024-25 Federal Budget Analysis

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What does the Federal Budget mean for me? It’s a Budget for the here and now, he says, but also for the decades to come. More than $8.4 billion has been allocated to quick-fix cost-of-living adjustments along with the previously […]

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Powering down for a relaxing holiday

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Even those who manage to resist taking work away with them and checking work emails while on holiday, can spend a lot of time on a digital device! And while you are glued to that device, chances are you are […]

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Overspending on gifts, parties, and decorations can quickly add-up, leaving us with unwanted debt in the New Year. In 2022, Australians spent more than $66.7 billion during the pre-Christmas sales in preparation for the festive season. The rising cost of […]

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How to give back

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Whenever there is a disaster here or overseas, Australians rush to donate their time, household goods and cash. However, we still lag other countries when it comes to giving money. According to Philanthropy Australia, our total financial giving as a […]

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Destinations to fire up your passion

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Considering the plethora of amazing places and experiences our world has to offer, it’s a shame that many people, overwhelmed by choice, stick to going back to places they have visited before. In fact, a poll conducted in the US […]

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How the Aussie dollar moves your investments

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In March 2020 the Aussie dipped below US58 cents for the first time in a decade. Since then, a high of just over US77 cents in 2021 has been followed by a rollercoaster ride, mostly downhill. In October 2022 the […]

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Different types of life insurance or personal insurance can provide an income when you’re unable earn, or a lump sum to protect your loved ones if the worst happens. Insurance products such as life insurance and total and permanent disability […]

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The Victorian Variety Bash 2023

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This year the Victorian Variety Bash had a distinct sports motoring theme, starting at Albert Park Pit Lane and onto Phillip Island, Winton and Bathurst. This year, despite less cars than the year before, $1.4 million was raised on this […]

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Retirement is a time where we finally have the space to do what we want to do with our lives, whether that’s travel, developing and learning new skills, taking up hobbies or just enjoying the company of those we care […]

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Who needs a testamentary trust?

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In fact, the value of inheritances as well as gifts to family and friends has doubled over the past two decades.i A 2021 Productivity Commission report found that $120 billion was passed on in 2018 and that amount is expected to grow […]

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Here are some strategies for starting the new financial year on the right foot. Tidy up your paperwork Dealing with the paperwork is the task most of us love to hate. But taking a day to trawl through the ‘To […]

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US stocks in April saw the biggest rally that has been experienced for months, as investors looked beyond gloomy economic data. Local markets were buoyed by the Wall Street rally, as well as welcome signs of inflation easing, with the […]

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Flexing your retirement plans

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Instead, those who have the flexibility to choose are often transitioning out of the workforce over several years, or even returning after a break. Whether you simply want to wind back your working hours to explore other interests, or don’t […]

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A new star rating system for aged care is giving existing and potential residents and their families helpful insight into the quality and staffing levels of an aged care facility. Four key performance areas covering residents’ experience, staffing levels, compliance and quality […]

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Trust your gut to boost your health

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Firstly, what exactly is a microbiome? The human microbiome consists of the trillions of fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other organisms harboured by each person, primarily in the gut. So prevalent are these critters, we are more microbiome than human. The […]

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Christmas in Australia – while fundamentally a religious festival celebrating the birth of Jesus – is also a melting pot of traditions we have inherited over time, mainly from the northern hemisphere. Look no further than our Christmas carols, many […]

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In fact, many young people would like to know more about money, according to a Young People and Money survey by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission MoneySmart website. The survey found more than half of the 15-21-year-olds surveyed were interested in […]

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Sustainable investing on the rise

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In 2021, Australia’s sustainable investment market increased 20 per cent to a record $1.5 trillion. The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) 2022 benchmark report found sustainable investments represents 43 per cent of total professionally-managed funds. In addition to traditional shares and fixed […]

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Federal Budget Analysis 22-23

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For good measure, resilience also got a mention with spending targeted at building a more modern economy to deal with the challenges ahead. This is the first budget from a federal Labor government in almost a decade, barely five months […]

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Jerry Grayson — Keynote Speaker

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ROPAN recently hosted a night of information and entertainment at Century Inn Traralgon. It was a pleasure to have economic speaker Libby Newman from Vanguard and Keynote speaker Jerry Grayson.  Jerry captured everyone’s attention with his stories about his Royal […]

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2021 Financial planning group update

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As we make our way towards the end of the year, we would like to thank you, our clients, for working hard with us to ensure that your financial affairs are in excellent shape.The last eighteen months have created various […]

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Invest in you

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When it comes to investing, often people don’t know where to start. Should I buy an investment property (then I have to deal with tenants!)? Should I dabble in shares (but what if we have another GFC!)? Should I chase […]

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Death, Taxes and TBC

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There’s not much to be said about the first two, other than that they are unavoidable (unless there is a fountain of youth in the Cayman Islands that I haven’t heard about). But as the John Farnham example shows, retirement […]

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Time to Invest or Time to Bail

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We have seen a substantial market correction in Australian and International shares since September 2018. However, economists believe that a nearterm recession will be avoided. In short, economic growth should shift down but not out. From an asset return standpoint, […]

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Successful Succession

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There are over 17,000 businesses in the Gippslandregion, from coffee shops to construction companies. Some are more successful than others, but success does not always equate to riches when it comes time to retire. In fact, more than 350 businesses […]

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A special sun rises on the Horizon…

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ROPAN partners with Horizon Motor Yachts to service the south east Australian market.

ROPAN is excited to announce a new strategic partnership with Horizon Motor Yacht Australia, effective September 2017. The alliance in particular opens up a host of exciting opportunities for a clientele who enjoy their rest and relaxation with a healthy […]

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Amid calls for more affordable infant formula options here, supermarket chain Sheng Siong launched a new formula milk range from Australia, priced between $25.50 and $29.50 for a 900g tin, on Thursday (Aug 24). The formula is manufactured by Nature […]

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Get your financial house in order

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The 2016-17 financial year is your last opportunity to make a non-concessional (after tax) contribution of up to $180,000 to your super account, or as much as $540,000 under the ‘bring forward’ rule. This rule allows people under age 65 […]

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An insurance lifeline when you need it most

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What trauma insurance is and isn’t Trauma insurance —sometimes known as critical illness insurance— provides a lump sum payment in the event of a major illness or injury, such as a cancer diagnosis, heart attack or stroke. The full list […]

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There could be a scientific explanation. Seasonal effective disorder (SAD), otherwise known as the winter blues, is a real condition. It’s more common than you might think in this country as it’s estimated that up to 54% have some of […]

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Learning from Little Ones

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There’s a reason kids’ quotes are popular topics everywhere from Twitter and Instagram to forums and blogs. Before little ones learn manners and pick up on the subtle ‘rules’ of social interaction in different contexts, they’re pretty happy to say […]

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Countdown to Super Deadline

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Until then, individuals can make a non-concessional (after-tax) contribution of up to $540,000 under the bring-forward rule which allows you to bring forward two years’ contributions . That means couples can put up to $1.08 million into super while the […]

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Hazelwood Assistance

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Since 2001, we have built a broad regional clientele that have appreciated our ‘specialist’ style advice process, implementation services and our ongoing financial management offering in relation to superannuation, investments and cashflow management for both employed and retired families. We […]

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Australia’s strong performance is even more remarkable in a year characterised by ongoing uncertainty and volatility on global markets, culminating in the shock British exit – or Brexit – from the European Union. Locally, investment plans were on hold during […]

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Now is the time to make any last minute adjustments to reduce your tax bill and maximise your long-term savings. Pay expenses, delay income Start by looking for ways to bring forward tax-deductible expenses to the current financial year and […]

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Winter 2016: Super shake up on the way

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If you are planning to put after-tax money into super before June 30 you now need to work out whether you will be in breach of the new $500,000 lifetime cap on non-concessional contributions. This cap is calculated from 1 […]

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Federal budget analysis 2016-2017

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Budget 2016: Blueprint for an election Treasurer Scott Morrison promised it would be no ordinary budget but instead an ‘economic plan for jobs and growth’. With the federal election to be held on July 2nd 2016, the focus has shifted […]

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Profiting from cheap oil

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Low oil prices have weighed heavily on global markets in 2016, with investors and pundits alike unsettled by the speed and size of the fall. But where there are losers there are also winners, depending on whether you are a […]

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Have your kids got it covered?

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Family is a risk that many don’t consider when planning for retirement. After all, you probably have little or no debt now the kids are independent and you are retired or close to retirement. Hopefully you feel you have enough […]

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Rent exemption for Aged Care Removed

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One of the toughest financial and emotional decisions when moving in to residential aged care often involves the sale of the family home. Sometimes turning the home into a rental property is a more appealing option. Not only does renting […]

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2015: A year of Fire & Ice

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The New Year’s festivities were barely over, signing off on a difficult year for investors, when the fireworks started all over again on global markets. In the first two weeks of 2016 Australian and US shares recorded their worst start […]

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Cast your financial safety net

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New Year is traditionally the season of fresh starts and personal resolutions. Along with diet and exercise, getting ahead financially makes it onto many wish lists year in and year out. But a brighter financial future is likely to remain […]

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